Disrupt & Rescue
"When the unconscious man destroys his own world seeking to get richer, he discovers that ultimately, there will be no longer any place to enjoy his wealth."
Where conscious travelers come together enjoying travel, luxury, and spiritual experiences.
Did you know?
Only in 2021, natural disasters cost humanity more than 1bn USD, and since 40 years, the planet's biodiversity has been reduced by 58%.
We love to travel and discover beautiful places where human beings and mother nature are united in the magical expression of life. Seas, rivers, mountains, beaches, forests, and jungles contribute to their preservation while you enjoy them.
What would happen if your favorite beach disappeared? Or your favorite fruit does not grow anymore? Or is water not enough for all of us? Have you ever thought about it? What if the bees disappear? Or the gorillas? Or the Jaguar? Experts have warned us. It is said that if we continue destroying their habitats because of the greed of urban, industrial development or pollution we will reach that scenario. In that case, their extinction will affect us all, with an increase in natural disasters, famines, and massive losses of BIODIVERSITY... its cost could lead us to the end of HUMAN BEINGS. We would be the only known living creature to cause its extinction. Let's not allow it!
In JTTribe, we have dreamed of a world where the CONSERVATION AND WELFARE OF ALL LIVING BEINGS CAN GROW THROUGH REGENERATIVE GLOBAL TOURISM... And we want to count on you! We invite you to be part of this new SOLUTION way with the blockchain technology and transparency only Web3.0 offers... Contribute with your EXPERIENCES to conserving the 21 THREATENED or ENDANGERED animal species.
A total of 14,260 NFTS will be released from January 2023 to late 2025 , starting with our Genesis Gorilla Luxury Tribe with 4,444 (some hundred will be drop FREE to creat community).
Last updated